Summer Volunteers for Refugee Camps in Lebanon: Deadline on February 8

Learning for the Empowerment and Advancement of Palestinians (LEAP) is an educational empowerment program for Palestinian refugee-youth in Lebanon dedicated to nurturing the intellectual growth and creative curiosity of Palestinian refugee-youth.

LEAP recruits volunteers for  SHINE, a summer intensive English project where volunteers provide English courses and recreational activities while living and working in the refugee camps of Lebanon.  The summer session prepares students for the Lebanese Brevet high school entrance examination, strengthen their English proficiency, and provide a space for intellectual and recreational activities to change the routine of camp life during the summer and nurture children’s intellectual curiosity and growth.

Volunteers must demonstrate experience in one or more of the following: previous work or knowledge of the MENA region, particularly Lebanon; Arabic; an understanding of the social and cultural dynamics of the region; educational experience; previous work with youth in tutoring, after-school programs, recreational activities, etc.; advocacy; refugees/IDPs; management and coordination; working abroad; and/or mental health/psycho-social support.

To apply to Project SHINE, please complete the online application before the deadline on February 8, 2017.

For more information, click here: