Pluralisms in Emergenc(i)es: Abstract Deadline on April 23

Pluralisms in Emergenc(i)es is the second conference in a series that explores pluralism as it emerges in response to contemporary global crises in the Middle East and North Africa.

The conference in Tunis invites contributions from academics, NGO organizations, religious leaders, and civil society members who work in and on North Africa, the Western and Central Mediterranean Basin, including the greater Maghreb region (Mauritania, Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya), as well as southwest Europe (Spain, France, Italy). Addressing Tunis as an exemplar site of exchange, the conference includes the following panels:

  • Emerging Housing and Emergency Settlement
  • Collective Memory and Identity
  • On Religion and Refugees: Intersections from the Field
  • Conceptualizing and Comparing Pluralism in Emergencies

Guide for Authors:

Abstracts should be 250 words maximum in length. They should be titled and have all requisite bibliographic citations. Along with the abstract, please include a detailed, recent Curriculum Vitae/resume (no longer than 3 pages).

Abstracts will be evaluated according to the following categories: originality of theme, clear data and methodology, clarity and relevance of the proposal to the conference theme.

To submit your abstract, please send them to with the subject line of the email titled “Religion and Pluralisms Tunis Abstract” by April 23, 2018.

For any enquiries regarding the conference program, please contact:
K. Soraya Batmanghelichi,  For all general enquiries, please contact: Walid Hammam, Associate Director of IRCPL,; Youssef Cherif,, Ahmad Mousa,, Columbia Global Centers.

For more information, visit