Columbia University has recently inaugurated the Center for the Study of Muslim Societies (CSMS), a collective for new research, integrated programming, innovative teaching and public outreach on the study of Muslim societies worldwide.
The Islamic Studies MA Program (ISMA) focuses on the critical academic study of Islamic religious and intellectual traditions and on the diverse regional histories, cultures, and social formations of Muslim communities around the world. Interdisciplinary in character, our innovative program draws on the range of area specializations, departments and schools represented at Columbia, a leader in the field. The required core seminar, Foundation to Islamic Studies and Muslim Societies, provides students with an introduction to key concepts, theories and debates in Islamic Studies, broadly conceived, and features weekly visits by individual faculty members from across the university.
MA students are encouraged to take advantage of the full breadth of CSMS programming. For more information, find the Fall program attached and visit the CSMS website.
The deadline for Fall admissions to the Islamic Studies MA is February 15, 2020. For more information about the ISMA program and to apply, visit our website.
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