Medieval Eastern Mediterranean Cities as Places of Artistic Interchange
A SOAS University of London / Getty Foundation Online Seminar Programme
The School of Arts at SOAS University of London is pleased to announce the launch of a new research seminar programme for young and early career researchers in the art and archaeology of the medieval eastern Mediterranean, supported by the Getty Foundation as part of its Connecting Art Histories initiative.
We invite research students at an advanced stage of their studies and early-career academic researchers and tutors working in historical research institutes (such as archaeology centres, museums, and government and non-governmental agencies dealing with history, art or archaeology) to join us in a collaborative online learning programme comprising eight seminar discussions taking place between March and May 2021.
The project is open to people from the countries of the eastern Mediterranean region and the Middle East and all the seminars will take place online.
Medieval Eastern Mediterranean Cities as Places of Artistic Interchange is an online seminar programme for emerging academics which focuses on the role played by cities in the medieval eastern Mediterranean, from the 12th to the 14th centuries CE, in the production, consumption, transformation and understanding of works of art and architecture.
This seminar pairs cities, scholars and the site-specific questions that arise from them to explore these and other aspects of artistic and cultural interchange in the medieval eastern Mediterranean region, with a particular focus on new research in lesser-known cities to highlight recent archaeological and other scholarly discoveries.
The project is open to early career academic researchers (who have received their doctorates in the last three years) and tutors, research students (PhD students) at an advanced stage of their studies and those working in historical research institutes (such as archaeology centres, museums, government and non-governmental agencies dealing with history, art or archaeology) who are from the countries of the eastern Mediterranean region and the Middle East.
The target audience for this seminar programme is young professionals with advanced degrees (or equivalent work experience) in art history and/or archaeology of the period from the 12th to the 14th centuries who are from the countries of the eastern Mediterranean or Middle East.
Participants selected to take part in the programme will receive £2000 each (British pounds) to be used for research purposes. This includes the purchasing of books or other scholarly resources, upgrading of internet access, purchase of headphones, and the like.
The deadline for applications is 17:00 hours GMT on 8 March 2021.
For full details and to apply please visit our website at
Organised in association with the Getty Foundation
Lead academic organisers:
Professor Scott Redford (SOAS University of London)
Professor Maria Georgopoulou (American School of Classical Studies at Athens)
Professor Robert Ousterhout (University of Pennsylvania)
Programme officer:
Dr Michael Paraskos (Imperial College London)