Iranian Film: “First Graders”

First Graders Film

First Graders Film

Free admission!

Iran | 1984 | DCP | 83 min. | Farsi with English subtitles
Director: Abbas Kiarostami

Saturday, November 20, 2021 at 7- 8:45 PM 
UW Cinematheque, Room 4070, Vilas Hall, 821 University Avenue, Madison

Inspired by his own sons’ schooling, the first of Kiarostami’s two documentary features about education is a wonderful and fascinating movie that is often overlooked in favor of the later Homework (1989). First Graders looks in on a schoolyard of playful boys but mainly transpires in the office of a supervisor who has to deal with latecomers and discipline problems. Preceded by two terrific Kiarostami short films: Bread and Alley (1970) and Toothache (1980). Co-presented with the support of UW Madison’s Middle East Studies Program.

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