This film series will be presented online from February 4 -13.
Month: January 2022
Undergraduate Boren Scholarships range up to $25,000. Applications are due February 2, 2022.
Israel’s Continuing Policy of Palestinian Dispossession: From Sheikh Jarrah to Al-Naqab
Experts at this webinar will discuss the volatile situation in the Naqab in the context of Israel’s larger and ongoing policy of displacement and dispossession against Palestinians.
Wolff Fellowship for Graduating L&S Seniors
Now accepting nominations from faculty and staff for new Wolff fellowship of $45,000 for L&S graduating seniors until February 8, 2022.
Bernard Lewis Remembered: A Personal Reflection
An online discussion with Buntzie Ellis Churchill.
Call for Papers and Panels: 15th Annual ASMEA Conference
Proposals on topics related to the Middle East and Africa should consist of a one-page summary outline of new and unpublished research.
Early Arabic Recordings Now in Public Domain
This collection currently contains nearly 600 cataloged recordings of Arab and Arab-American music spanning the first half of the 20th century
Recipe for a Start-Up Nation: Chutzpah, Innovation, Academia and Everything in Between
Lecture by Israel Deputy Consul General Dr. Daniel Aschheim
Making the Gulf: Regulating Movements and Politics
This conversation will explore the strategies deployed in the Gulf to regulate the mobility of labor, and the ways those strategies enact power relations in the region and beyond.
Online Talk: “The Madman of Freedom Square”
Hassan Blasim and Jonathan Wright in Conversation With Amir Ahmadi Arian and Azareen Van der Vliet Oloomi