Apply now to the fiscal year (FY) 2023 Fulbright-Hays Seminars Abroad program!

Application deadline: Feb. 9, 2023

The Fulbright-Hays Seminars Abroad program provides U.S. educators in the arts, social sciences and humanities with opportunities to participate in short-term seminars abroad to improve their understanding and knowledge of the peoples and cultures of other countries. In 2023, summer seminars will be offered in Jordan, Mexico, and a joint seminar in Argentina and Brazil.

Each thematic seminar features educational lectures and interactive, cultural activities specifically designed for elementary, secondary, and postsecondary educators, including visits to local schools and organizations and meetings with education administrators, government officials, policymakers, teachers, and students. Participants draw on their experiences during the program to create new or to enhance existing cross-cultural curricula for use in their U.S. classrooms and school systems. Sixteen educators participate in each seminar. The Fulbright-Hays Seminars Abroad program covers airfare, room and board, and program costs. Participants are responsible for a seminar cost-share of $750.

Please note that seminars are contingent on congressional funding. Also please be advised that international travel dates could be postponed or cancelled due to unexpected COVID or other viral breakouts.

We recommend applicants begin by visiting our applicant webpage and carefully reading the application package for detailed instructions on applying to the Fulbright-Hays Seminars Abroad program.

The FY 2023 Seminars Abroad application is now available on the G5 website at If you are a new user, click “Sign Up” on the G5 homepage. Once you have successfully registered and your access is activated, click “Package Submission” under Grant Setup. Following the steps provided, complete and upload the required forms and files. Refer to the application package on our applicant webpage for more information.

Eligibility requirements

Fulbright-Hays Seminars Abroad program applicants must meet the following eligibility requirements:

  • Be a citizen or permanent resident of the United States.
  • Hold a bachelor’s degree from an accredited college or university.
  • Have at least three years of full-time teaching or administrative experience by the departure date from the United States.
  • Be currently employed full-time in a U.S. school, institution of higher education, local educational agency, state educational agency, library, or museum as a teacher, curriculum developer, librarian, or administrator.
  • Be an educator in the arts, humanities, or social sciences (this requirement does not apply to administrators). Educators in the sciences, technology, engineering, mathematics, and computer sciences are welcome to apply if their proposed curriculum projects integrate seminar content in the arts, humanities or social sciences.
  • Be employed at the level of the seminar for which you are applying.
  • Be physically and psychologically fit to participate in the program.

Application webinar and live Q & A

The Department of Education’s International and Foreign Language Education (IFLE) office recently pre-recorded a technical assistance webinar for teachers, school administrators, and other educators to learn more about the FY 2023 Fulbright-Hays Seminars Abroad program’s application process. The webinar provides guidance on how to prepare a competitive application, use the G5 electronic application system, and troubleshoot technical issues.

The prerecorded webinar will be posted on the Applicant Information page of the Seminars Abroad website and is available via IFLE’s YouTube channel at the following link:

Additionally, Seminars Abroad program officers will host a live question and answer session on Wednesday, Jan. 4, 2023, from 8 to 9 p.m. (Eastern Time). All potential applicants are welcome to attend the live session by clicking the following link: Join the Live Q & A Session on Microsoft Teams, or by calling in to the meeting at (202) 991-0393, and dialing 375 739 270#. Attendees should ensure they have viewed the pre-recorded webinar ahead of the live question and answer session.

Additional questions about the program or application can be emailed to