Paid Research Position with UW-Madison Professor

Seeking research assistants for a new project digitizing historic maps of interwar Egypt. Selected RAs will be responsible for using open-source spatial analysis software (QGIS) to catalogue features such as roads, houses of worship, and administrative boundaries on a series of high resolution (1:25,000) scale maps of Egypt. All work is remote. Prior experience with spatial analysis, including familiarity with QGIS, is strongly preferred. Students with an ability to read Arabic are encouraged to apply. Attention to detail a must. Compensation is $15.00/hr, with an expected minimum commitment of 8 hours per week. Start date will be after May 1 and is scheduled to continue through 2022. To apply, please send a resume and brief cover letter with “RA Position” in the subject line to:

Steven Brooke
Assistant Professor
Department of Political Science

UW-Madison is an equal opportunity and affirmative action educator and employer. The University does not discriminate in its employment practices, and programs and activities on a variety of bases including but not limited to: age, color, disability, national origin, race, or sex.

This project is generously funded through a Digitizing Hidden Collections grant from the Council on Library and Information Resources (