Kemal H. Karpat Center for Turkish Studies invites you to a talk by
Professor Reşat Kasaba, Jackson School of International Studies, University of Washington, Seattle
A discussion centered on Professor Kemal Karpat’s Gecekondu (1976) and the Nobel Laurette Orhan Pamuk’s A Strangeness in My Mind (2015)
March 30, 2023 at 4 pm
Curti Lounge, 5233 Humanities Building
Prof. Reşat Kasaba is an expert on Turkish Modern History. Over the last three decades, his research and publications on the Ottoman Empire and modern Turkey in the nineteenth and twentieth century have covered social and economic history, state-society relations, migration, ethnicity and nationalism, modernity and urban history.
Sponsored by the Kemal H. Karpat Center for Turkish Studies, Department of History
Co-sponsored by the Middle East Studies Program