World Appreciation Day: An International Education Week Celebration for Middle Schoolers

This event has passed.

Union South
@ 8:15 am - 12:30 pm

World Appreciation Day features a variety of hands-on, internationally-focused activities. The goal of this program is to draw attention to and encourage an appreciation of some of the cultural, linguistic, historical, and other riches that different countries contribute to the global community.

PLEASE NOTE: All participants must pre-register for this event on-line. A REFUNDABLE $100 deposit is due upon registration. 

The $100 deposit will be refunded on or near the day of the event to schools that: 1) attend World Appreciation Day with at least 90% of the number of pre-registered students attending; 2) withdraw/cancel their registrations by the deadline stated on the registration page.**

Please register here:

This half-day, mini conference will be held at Union South, on the UW-Madison campus, on Wednesday, November 20, 2019.

Registration will open at 8:15. The program will wrap up a little after noon.

There is no charge for schools to participate in World Appreciation Day and some financial assistance to help defray transportation costs may be available. Each school may bring up to 30 students, though it may be possible for higher student numbers to be accommodated.

Please send inquiries to Nancy Heingartner at this e-mail address.