Elastic Empire: Refashioning War through Aid in Palestine

Ingraham 206
@ 12:00 pm - 1:15 pm

Professor Bhungulia suggests that a close analysis of the topological workings of the US security state in Palestine tells us something significant about the shape-shifting nature of imperial formations, their realignments and reformulations, their haunted sites, and their obscured but intimate forms.

Palestine and Arab-Israeli Peace

Ingraham 206
@ 12:00 pm - 1:15 pm

This presentation will cover Arab-Israeli peace initiatives and their impacts following the 1994 Oslo Accords

Projecting Anxiety: Lebanon, Africa, and the Diasporic Condition

Ingraham 206
@ 12:00 pm - 1:30 pm

Ghenwa Hayek (University of Chicago) engages with critical contemporary scholarship in diaspora studies by using the Lebanese case to consider how the diaspora is imagined from within the homeland; and, further, how specific diasporic imaginaries and entanglements have been used to conceptualize national identity domestically.