MESA Graduate Student Paper Prize


MESA Graduate Student Paper Prize

Deadline: August 31, 2019

See nomination guidelines

The Middle East Studies Association invites submissions of graduate student research papers on any aspect of post 600 CE Middle East studies for the 2019 Graduate Student Paper Prize. The author of the winning paper will be presented with a certificate and $250 cash award at the Awards Ceremony at MESA’s annual meeting. In addition, the author is encouraged to submit their winning paper for consideration of publication in the Review of Middle East Studies (RoMES). Papers will be reviewed using a BLIND process and will be evaluated according to originality of research and conceptualization (or interpretation), cogency of argument, and clarity of writing.

MESA Undergraduate Education Award

Deadline: August 31, 2019

See nomination guidelines

MESA invites nominations for the 2019 MESA UNDERGRADUATE EDUCATION AWARD, which recognizes outstanding scholarship on teaching or other material contributions to undergraduate education in Middle East Studies. Nominators should explicitly state how the nominee’s contributions help educators master the craft of teaching Middle East studies to undergraduates or adds new dimensions to how Middle East studies is taught to undergraduates. Examples of such contributions include:

  • Pedagogical materials like syllabi or assignments that demonstrate innovation and/or effectiveness in course design or instructional technology.
  • Publications aimed at undergraduate educators such as textbooks, source collections, and translations for the lay reader.
  • Testimonies from students or former students for whom the nominee has left a lasting impact including pursuing Middle East studies after graduation.
  • Publications emphasizing the scholarship of teaching, contributions to pedagogy or undergraduate curriculum development.
  • Evidence of service contributions to undergraduate education in Middle East Studies including within MESA itself.

The winner will be announced at the Awards Ceremony at MESA’s annual meeting and will also be presented with a certificate and cash award of $250.

Sara L. Palmer

Membership Manager, Editor, Issues in Middle East Studies

Middle East Studies Association


The George Washington University

Washington, DC

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