IRIS INTERNATIONAL BOOK GROUP: The 2011 Arab Spring, w/Nevine El Nossery

Please join UW-Madison’s Institute for Regional and International Studies (IRIS) and the Middle East Studies Program for the next meeting of the IRIS international book group.

Prior to the meeting, we will read “Revolution Is My Name: An Egyptian Woman’s Diary from Eighteen Days in Tahrir.” On October 19, from 4:00-5:00 CST, we will gather on-line with Professor Nevine El-Nossery of the Middle East Studies Program to discuss.

IRIS will provide electronic copies of the book.  Educators will first purchase the e-book from Amazon and then IRIS will reimburse participants for the cost.  If you would like to request the form necessary for reimbursement, or if you require a paper copy of the book, please send an email to The first 20 Wisconsin K-12 public-school teachers to register will receive their copy free of charge.

Please note that each recipient of a free copy of “Revolution Is My Name,” will receive EITHER an e-book OR a paper copy.

Books go fast, so register soon via this link!