International Ottoman Maktabs (Schools) Symposium, November 17-19, 2021.

We welcome you to the International Ottoman Maktabs (Schools) Symposium (Mentality-Institutions-Effects) (UOMS-2021), which will be held on 17-19 November 2021, under the auspices of Yalova University Center of Islam Studies and Research with the contributions of Yalova Governorship, Yalova Municipality and Yalova Directorate of National Education.

The symposium aims to examine maktabs (schools), one of the fundamental institutions in Ottoman modernization, from all dimensions, especially in terms of mentality, institutional structure, and functions.

UOMS-2021 will be an international symposium, and there will be a double-blind review for all paper submissions. Turkish and English abstracts book will be published before the symposium. Moreover, the papers passed through the editorial and double-blind review process will be published as a book after the symposium.

UOMS-2021 aims to bring together researchers, academics, students, and policymakers from different countries to share their expertise and scientific studies on all aspects of Ottoman maktabs.
For more information, please visit, or send an email to

Please note, this event is not sponsored or endorsed by UW-Madison or the Middle East Studies program.