Women Historians of the Middle East (WHOME) announces its annual prize for the best article about Middle Eastern history written by a female-identifying graduate student (Masters or PhD). The award aims to bring attention to the innovative scholarship women are producing in the field. The article (not to exceed 8,000 words) can be published, under review, submitted, or in the final stages of preparation for submission to a journal. The article may be about any period in Middle Eastern history and may address any subfield in the discipline. The nominee must not have been awarded a Doctorate prior to January 1, 2018.
Articles may be nominated by the author, academic advisors, professors, or journal editors; journals may nominate up to three articles. Jointly published articles are acceptable, but both authors must be graduate students; the co-author may be male. Articles that have appeared in collections will be considered but only if the articles were published for the first time in the year prior to the application deadline; reprints will not be considered. Winners will be notified in the summer and will be publicly acknowledged in an official announcement at the WHOME meeting at the Middle East Studies Association Annual Meeting. The winning author shall also receive a $500 award.
Applications are due by 11:59 PST on May 31, 2018.
To apply or submit a nomination, click here.
Questions: contactWHOME@gmail.com; kamiliar@email.arizona.edu